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I DOCENTI dell'Università del Molise

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Orario ricevimento studenti:
A.A. 2006/2007 Giovedì ore 18.30 Venerdì ore 9.30 sede didattica di Termoli

Stefano Panunzi born in Rome in 1958 where he lives, he is Architect, Professor in Architectural and Urban Design, is expert in ICT for architectural and urban design. He has been Professor at University of Rome "La Sapienza"   (Faculty of Architecture) and now he has founded a new Faculty of Engineering at the University of Molise with a specific role for innovation in teaching and research activities.

His studies and research is focused on Natural Interaction Design for urban and architectural spaces and surfaces.


1998/2006 . Author and inventor of the system of telecontiguity, an interactive glass surface as natural interface to communicate in scale 1:1, in which one feels himself like behind a glass-slide and to see each other in the eyes, to give a kiss, to point the same dot. First public demonstration in 17 march 2006 in Campobasso (University of Molise) during the Week of Scientific and Technological Culture of MIUR.


Starting from 2002 his research activity is focused on digital visualization (scale 1:1) into real architectural and urban places based on new materials and laser projections.


2006 Consultant of Italian Federal Property of the State (Demanio dello Stato) for multimedia applications of telecontiguity to prepare virtual museums in military disused buildings.


2004 Consultant of Sovraintendenza ai Beni Archeologici, Sistema Museale del Foro Romano, for multimedia applications of virtual into real in archaeological sites


1999/2004 . Co-director of italian unit (Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza") in WINDS Web based INtelligent tutoring System - EC-funded project in the 5th Framework, Information Society Technologies programme, Flexible University key action - On line Virtual University for Arch. and Engineer. Design teaching and Learning, based upon the conception of high-level competences circulation .More than 400 students all over Europe attended the Virtual School. The research developed 150 man-years from 28 partners of 10 European countries.


2000/2004 . Project manager and coordinator of Master post-Lauream in ICT "design of interactive surfaces for communications" in cooperation with RAI (Radio Televisione Italiana), Cinecittà Studios, Ericsson Tlc, 3M, Sovraintendenza ai Beni Archeologici del Comune di Roma, Ordine degli Architetti di Roma.


2004/2005 . Relator at International Research Institute (Milan) on themes: Innovation and Competitiveness, Virtual Classroom and Telecontiguity


1997 Chairman and project coordinator of an international work group (CREMA - Consorzio Reti Europee per la Multimedialità in Architettura) for the institution of Teaching and Research Multimedia Laboratories Network


1994/1996 Consultant of LARA-CNR (Airborne Laboratory for Environmental Research - National Research Council of Italy) for application of hyperspectral data analysis in Airborne Remote Sensing in Urban Areas, copyright of analisis for urban materials of historical centre of Rome presented at ERIM-NASA - International Conference in S.Francisco 1996


From 1984 partecipate at national and international research funded from EU and Italian Ministry of Education, University and  Research on Computer Aided Architectural Design and Information Communication Technology applied to Architecture and Urban Design (in particular Produzione di Circuiti Multimediali diadattici per l'Architettura e l'Urbanistica -MURST 40% 1989-91 e 1992-94) in cooperation with Institut Nazional de l'Audiovisuel - INA - Paris, and Universities of Ferrara, Firenze, Milano, Venezia, Roma.