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Curriculum Vitae

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I DOCENTI dell'Università del Molise

Tel: Contr Fonte Lappone
Fax: 86170 Pesche (IS),

Orario ricevimento studenti:


Name: Maria Laura CARRANZA

Data and place of birth: January 23, 1967, Cordoba, Argentina.

Citizenship: Italian - Argentinean

Home Address:  V. Giovanni Pacini 23 – 00198- Roma, Italy.

Current Address: Dep STAT, University of Molise,

                          Contrada Fonte Lappone 86170

                          Pesche (IS), Italy



Current position 

· Researcher and Professor (aggregate) of Landscape Ecology, University of Molise.

· Co-ordinator of the Group of Landscape ecology. SBI (Società Botanica Italiana).



· 1990- Biologist degree University of Cordoba (Argentina). Equivalent to a Biologist degree of the university of RomeLa Sapienza” on 1998.

· 1998- PhD. Degree in Plant ecology. University of RomeLa SapienzaItaly


University Teaching Career

· Lecturer in Landscape Ecology, University of Molise, 2003-present.

· Lecturer in Quantitative methods in landscape ecology, University of Molise (Isernia-Italy), 2000- present.

· Lecturer in Geographic Information System and remote sensing, University of Molise (Isernia-Italy), 2003- present

· Lecturer in Geographic Information System applied in archaeology, University of Molise (Isernia-Italy) 2005-present.

· Lecturer in “Geographic Information System and mapping techniques", University of Molise (Isernia-Italy), 2000-2004.

· Lecturer in “Environmental modelling", University of Molise (Isernia-Italy), 2003- 2004.

· Lecturer in Applied Ecology, University of Molise (Isernia-Italy), 2001-2002.

· Senior lecturer in Quantitative methods in landscape Ecology, University of Molise (Isernia-Italy), 1998-1999.

· Senior lecturer in Landscape Ecology, University of Molise (Isernia-Italy), 1997-1998.

· Senior Lecturer in Nature conservation, University of RomeLa Sapienza”. Italy 1996-1999.Senior Lecturer in Geobotany, University of Cordoba Argentina, 1990-1992.


International Teaching Career

· Lecturer in “Landscape Ecology" International degree in Sciences and Technology for the Environment and the Territory, 2003-2004.

· Lecturer in “Geographic Information Systems" International degree in Sciences and Technology for the Environment and the Territory, 2003-2004.


University Service:

Teaching activities and tutor or co-tutor position of more than 20 degree thesis and 6 PhD Thesis in Plant Ecology, Environmental Botany and Landscape Ecology.


Scientific working group

From 2006 expert group member of SEBI2010 of the European Envieronmental Agency (EEA Copenhagen). Subject: connectivity and biodiversity.


Reviewer for

Journal of Applied Vegetation Science (Opulus Press), Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), Landscape Ecology (Elsevier), Landscape and urban planning (Elsevier), Plant Biosystems, (Taylor and Francis). Informatore Botanico Italiano (Italy), Rivista Italiana di Telerilevamento (AIT).


Fellowship and Honours received

    Research Council of the Cordoba Province CONICOR Fellowship (Argentina). Subject: Vegetation dynamics on Chaco Arid Province (Argentina)–University of Cordoba Argentina. 1991-1993.

    Organization for American Countries OEA (Organizacion de los estados Amerianos) pre-doctoral Fellowship. Subject Remote sensing and landscape ecology. Institute IGAC (Istituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi) Bogotà Colombia. 1991.

    Italian foreign office MAE (del Ministero degli Affari Esteri del Governo Italiano) Fellowship. Subject: Quantitative methods on plant ecology. University of Trieste. Italy. 1993- 1995.

    CROMA Research centre (Centro interdipartimentale di ricerche per lo studio di Roma moderna e contemporanea - Università degli Studi di Roma Tre) fellowship. Subject: Historic mapping on Rome city (secc. XVIII-XIX).University of Roma Tre 1997-98.

    Italian Society of Botany (SBI) fellowship. Subject: Geographic information systems. 1998- 1999.

    Post doctoral stage (Visiting Researcher) on CALMIT (Centre of Advanced Land Management Information technologies) Subject: GIS and remote sensing  University of Nebraska- Lincoln. 1999



Member of the International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE), International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS), Italian Association of Botany (SBI), Italian association of Ecology (SITE), Italian Association of Landscape Ecology (SIEP-IALE) Italian Association for Remote Sensing (AIT).


Research interest

She conducts research activity in the field of Plant ecology, Landscape ecology and conservation biology. Her research interest includes quantitative ecology mainly applied these disciplines.

She also is interested and has experience in the following disciplines: A) Nature conservation and biodiversity risks assessment facing global change. Coastal dune environments and high mountain ecosystems. Habitat suitability distribution and Ecological network design for some Italian vertebrates; B) Analysis of Biological carbon sinks through multitemporal remote sensed images; C) GIS and remote sensing applied to archaeology and cultural goods; D) Influences of Alien species on biodiviersity.

She has published more than 80 papers on Italian and international journals and books, many of them peer reviewed and had presented more than 90 papers on national and international congresses