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Curriculum Vitae

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I DOCENTI dell'Università del Molise

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Martedì 15:00-18:00 Mercoledì 15:00-18:00 Studio (Dipartimento SAVA)

Roberto Tognetti, PhD

Associate professor
EcoGeoFor & Dendro LABs, Dipartimento STAT, Università degli Studi del Molise, Contrada Fonte Lappone, I-86090 Pesche, Italy


Dr. Roberto Tognetti is a plant ecophysiologist whose research interests include water flux measurements of leaves and canopies, stomatal physiology and function, hydraulic architecture of trees, plant stress physiology, ecosystem responses to climate change, and ecohydrology. He has significant knowledge and expertise in integrating plant attributes and processes over a range of spatial scales, from the leaf-scale (photosynthesis, transpiration, specific leaf area, foliar nitrogen content) to tree and plantation scales (whole-tree water use, growth rate, allometric relationships, hydraulic architecture and conductance), up to ecosystem and catchment scales (leaf area index, canopy exchange of water and CO2, vegetation and groundwater interactions). Dr. Tognetti has authored more than 100 publications.


Academic education

·  B.Sc. & M.Sc., Forest tree breeding – Silviculture, University of Firenze (Italy), 1987/88

·  Ph.D., Plant physiological ecology - Botany, Trinity College of Dublin (Ireland), 1999

Professional experience

·  Research Assistant, Institute of Forest Tree Breeding, National Research Council, Firenze, 1988-1993

·  Research Scientist, Accademia dei Georgofili, Centre for Computer Sciences in Agriculture, Firenze, 1993-1994

·  Visiting Scientist, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville (USA), 1994-1996

·  Research Assistant, Institute of Agrometeorology and Environmental Analysis for Agriculture, National Research Council, Firenze, 1996-1999

·  Post-Doc Researcher (Fruit Tree Crops), Dipartimento di Coltivazione e Difesa delle Specie Legnose, University of Pisa, 1999-2000

·  Research Professor (Agronomy and Crop Science), Department of Animal, Plant and Environmental Science, University of Molise - Campobasso, 2000-2005

·  Associate Professor (Forest Management and Silviculture), Department of Science and Technology for Land and Environment, University of Molise - Pesche, 2005-present

Research interests
Variables controlling the sustainability of managed Mediterranean-type ecosystems (e.g., primary and secondary forests, plantations and agroforestry systems). Role of tree and crop species in plantations and agroforestry systems for reclaiming degraded areas. Use of biological enrichment techniques with herbaceous and woody species as a restoration tool. Influences of agroforestry systems on biodiversity maintenance, erosion control, desertification restrain and carbon sequestration. Integration of ecological principles with economic, social, and human health factors in the design of sustainable land use schemes for production, rehabilitation and phytoremediation of degraded lands. Effects of disturbance on forest ecosystem structure and function, biophysical controls on carbon assimilation and water consumption in terrestrial ecosystems, comparison of resource use by evergreen and deciduous trees.

Current teaching
·  Forest ecology and Silviculture, University of Molise
·  Agroforestry systems, University of Molise

Editorial board
·  Tree Physiology, 2002-present

·  iForest, 2008-present

·  Forest@, 2008-present

Review board
Acta Horticulturae; Acta Oecologica; Agricultural Water Management; Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment; Ecological Research; Annals of Botany; Annals of Forest Science; Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture; Belgian Journal of Botany; Biogeosciences; Canadian Journal of Forest Research; Ecoscience; Environmental and Experimental Botany; Environmental Pollution; European Journal of Agronomy; Field Crops Research; Forest@; Forestry; Fresenius Environmental Bulletin; Functional Plant Biology; Global Change Biology; Hydrology and Earth System Sciences; Irrigation Science; Italian Journal of Agronomy; Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology; Journal of Arid Environments; Journal of Environmental Management; Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science; Journal of Plant Ecology; Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science; New Phytologist; Plant Biology; Plant Biosystems; Physiologia Plantarum; Plant, Cell & Environment; Plant and Soil; Scientia Horticulturae; The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology; Trees; Tree Physiology.