ATENEO                         >  News  >  ''II MEETING ON CULTURAL ASTRONOMY''

''II Meeting on Cultural Astronomy''
Campobasso September 30th 2010

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Following the First Meeting on Cultural Astronomy (held in Campobasso, University of Molise, May 2009; the Proceedings are in print) University of Molise organizes the Second Meeting on Cultural Astronomy.(September 30th 2010).

The aim of the meeting is to treat history of astronomy and its links with other cultural branches, that is:

1- History of Astronomy

2- Astronomy in Classical and Modern Literature

3- History of Celestial Mechanics

4- Anecdotes in Astronomy

5. Archeoastronomy

Besides will be greatly appreciated papers on: Women in Science.

Deadline for abstract submission and registration is  July 30th; please send abstract as an attached file MS-Word for Windows (or pdf) by e-mail to . A scientific committee will evaluate the papers. No registration fee is requested.

For more information please write to:  or

The organizing committee

Prof. Ennio Badolati (President)

Dr. Sandra Ciccone (0874404445)

Dr. Marina Morici (0874404450)

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