About Me

My present position is Professor of Mathematics at University of Molise.

That's me
Dipartimento di Economia
Università degli Studi del Molise
Via de Sanctis
86100 Campobasso, Italy
+39-0874-404 438
E-mail:  skeide@unimol.it

Curriculum Vitae

Oben, M. C. Escher




Oben und Unten, M. C. Escher (July 1947)




Unten, M. C. Escher

1971-1975 Elementary school (Uhlandschule, Frankfurt)
1971-1984 Highschool (Heinrich-von-Gagern-Gymnasium, Frankfurt)
13.6.1984 Abitur
1984-1990 Study of physics (-1985 Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, -1986 Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, -1990 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg.)
3.4.1990 Diplome in physics (Advisor: Prof. Dr. H.G. Dosch)
1990-1994 PhD study (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg)
30.6.1994 PhD in mathematics (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Wilhelm von Waldenfels)
12.12.2001 Habilitation and "venia legendi" in mathematics
Professional experience
1991-1992 Researcher (SFB 123, 21 months, Heidelberg)
1993-1995 Researcher (DFG, 2 years, Heidelberg)
1996 Assistant (Prof. Dr. Wilhelm von Waldenfels, 10 months, Heidelberg)
1996-2002 Assistant (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Freudenberg, Cottbus)
Since Nov 2002 Professor of Mathematics at University of Molise
1984-1990 Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (Heidelberg)
1993 Land Baden-Würtemberg (1 month, Heidelberg)
1995-1996 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (1 year, Rome, Italy)
1999-2000 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (1 year, Rome, Italy)
Other activities
Visits at other institutions: Nottingham, Rome, Nijmegen, Bari, Tübingen, Lublin, Strasbourg, Oberwolfach, Munich, Greifswald, Udine, Trieste, Bangalore, Wroclaw, Bonn, Kingston, Genova, Iowa City, Ottawa, Palermo, Cottbus, Cork, Milano, Besancon, Waterloo, Regina, Paris, Saarbrücken, Lancaster.

Participation in conferences, workshops and schools: Oberwolfach, Nottingham, Bari, Levico, Grenoble, Jena, Frascati, Gdansk, Siegmundsburg, Lublin, Cottbus, Bangalore, Greifswald, Wroclaw, Trieste, Mount Holyoke, Beijing, Milano, Campobasso, Iowa City, Bedlevo, Cork, Delhi, Toronto, Guanajuato, Hammamet, Luminy, Santiago, Chennai, Goa.

Organization of conferences, workshops, invited sessions and schools: Campobasso (organization of international workshop, May 2-3, 2003), Greifswald (organization of international workshop, June 18-21, 2003), Levico (scientific board of international conference, February 20-26, 2005), Campobasso (organization of international workshop, May 13-16, 2007), Guanajuato (session organizer of international conference, September 2-8, 2007), Campobasso (organization of international workshop, Feb 11-14, 2009), Oberwolfach (organization of mini-workshop, Feb 15-21, 2009), Santiago (session organizer of international conference, November 23-28, 2009), Greifswald (organization of spring school and international confernece, March 6-19, 2011), Levico (scientific board of international conference, May 29-June 4, 2011), Campobasso (organization of international workshop, Oct 11-14, 2012).

Projects: Hilbert Modules and Dilation Theory (2 weeks Research in Pairs in August 1998), Tensor Product Sytems of Hilbert Modules (2 + 1 year PPP by DAAD and DST through 2000-2003), Rappresentazioni di Moduli Hilbertiani e Rappresentazioni di Sistemi Prodotti Tensoriali di Moduli di von Neumann (1 year Fondi di Ricerca di Dipartimento 2003/04), Aspetti Categorici della Teoria delle Rappresentazioni di Ba(E) (1 year Fondi di Ricerca di Dipartimento 2004/05), Processi di Markov Classici e Quantistici e loro Classificazione Mediante Sistemi Prodotto di Moduli Hilbertiani (1 year Fondi di Ricerca di Ateneo 2005), Dilatazioni Stochastiche di Semigruppi Markoviani e la Stuttura di loro Generatori (Responsible of Research Unit within the project "Semigruppi Markoviani ed Equazioni Differenziali Stocastiche Quantistiche" del PRIN 2005 through 2006-2008), Sistemi prodotto spaziali e le loro applicazioni alla teoria dei sistemi dinamici (1 year Fondi di Ricerca di Dipartimento 2006/07), Spatial Quantum Dynamics - Reversible and Irreversible (2 weeks Research in Pairs in May 2007), Sistemi prodotto spaziali e le loro applicazioni alla teoria dei sistemi dinamici (2 years Fondi di Ricerca di Dipartimento 2008/10), Semigruppi Markoviani, Stati Markoviani e la loro Classificazione (Responsible of Research Unit within the project "Probabilit`a Quantistica e Applicazioni alla Teoria dell’Informazione" del PRIN 2007 through 2008-2010).

I am member of the Editorial Boards of the following journals:

                   Communications on Stochastic Analysis ( COSA )
                   Infinite Dimenaional Analysis, Quantum Probability
                                                 and Related Topics ( IDAQP )

Special thanks are going to Uwe Jähnert, who patiently helped me to realize all my special wishes while preparing this homepage.
