Workshops and Conferences |
Passed |
Organization of the "4th
International Workshop
on Quantum Probability and its Applications" in honour of Professor Wilhelm von Waldenfels on occasion of his 80th Birthday, October 11-14, 2012 in Campobasso (Italy)
Member of the Scientific Commitee of the
Conference on Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis" May 29-June 4, 2011 in Levico (Italy)
Co-organizataion of Spring School and International Conference on "Product Systems and Independence in Quantum Dynamics" March 6-19, 2011 at the Krupp-Kolleg in Greifswald (Germany)
Co-organization of the
Special Session on "Product Systems and Dilation Theory" at the "30th
Conference on Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis", September 23-28, 2009 in Santiago (Chile)
Co-organization of the
MFO-Miniworkshop on "Product Systems and Independence in Quantum Dynamics" at
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, February 15-21, 2009
Organization of the "3rd
International Workshop
on Quantum Probability and its Applications", February 11-14, 2009 in Campobasso (Italy)
Co-organization of the
Special Session on "Dilations" at the "28th
Conference on Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis", September 2-8, 2007 in Guanajuato (Mexico)
Organization of the
"International Workshop
on Quantum Probability and its Applications", May 13-16, 2007 in Campobasso (Italy)
Member of the Scientific Commitee of the
Conference on Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis" joint with "Mid-Term Meeting and 4th Pleanry Conference of the EU-Research and Training Network
QP-Applications", February 22-26, 2005 in Levico (Italy)
Co-organization of the
Workshop (abstracts) on "Dilations, Endomorphism Semigroups, and their Classification by Product Systems", June 18-27, 2003 as part of the
Special Semester
"Quantum Probability: From Foundations to Applications", Spring 2003 in Greifswald (Germany)
Organization of the
del Gruppo Nazionale di Ricerca della Probabilità Quantistica", May 1-3, 2003 in Campobasso (Italy)